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Compression sportswear/Compression pants Tired/Endurance 運動耐力表現

compression sportswear Endurance

Donghua University Sports Center (PhD. Chen ) by U.CR + compression sportswear and compression pants the project: the study found wearing pants or compression underwear, Compression sportswear/Compression pants can reduce the movement of muscle tissue shaking and then improve the performance of the movement or slow down the decline, and there is no consistent conclusion. Compression sportswear/Compression pants Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effect of wearing a functional compression jacket and functional compression pants on the performance of the upper limb and lower limb muscle strength and the performance of the anti-recessive movement. Wearing a functional compression jacket may enhance the performance of the upper limb core strength, and compression sock and compression pants may be able to effectively slow the movement of recession





Compression sportswear situation. the purpose of this study is to explore the effects of wearing a functional compression jacket and functional compression pants on the performance of the upper limb and lower limb muscle movement and the performance of the confrontation (TTRI).

dress compression sportswear study method: divided into two experiments, the first experiment, the recruitment of 11 health college A group of outstanding female volleyball players in a random selection of wearing compression pants and general pants, and 20 meters sprint run, 60 seconds repeated vertical Jumping labor test, before and after the vertical jump and heart * mutation test.Test. Vertical up jump ability assessment / sprint speed test / overall heart * variable assessment / continuous 20 under the most hard swing speed test / trunk core endurance test / bench press force / 30 seconds and 60 seconds to test / U .CR + compression sportswear core stability and continuous swing rating are significantly better than wearing a general coat.






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