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Why Does My Sweat Smell Like Ammonia?運動流汗會發臭的原因,U.CR+ compression sportswear technology BEST CHOICE

長庚物理治療系教授王鐘賢老師說流汗會發臭,是因為身體「糖份」過少,運動時碳水化合物即醣類不足以提升所需,所以畲增加胺基酸的利用,因此代謝產物尿素氮增加,所以汗液較會有異味。腎臟與肝處理尿素若糖份不足,肝代謝用胺基酸(蛋白質)為能源後就會產生氨 Ammonia有這些物質發臭。運動強度越大,利用胺基酸越多,特別在低碳水化合物(醣類)時更加明顯。

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U.CR+ compression sportswear technology first step by functional yarn for bamboo and ice cafe or pp material ,second with Add to raw material Antibacterial . last fabric breathy can cold down body U.CR+壓力運動衣對應方法:1.快乾為最基礎壓需求採用導濕快乾沙線,或用PP讓面料快乾。2.其次採用抗菌之介面添加物如壓力竹炭褲BA冰涼咖啡炭QQ/St1,使細菌數降低,避免細菌擴散。3.壓力衣壓力褲通風透氣層,使穿者舒適感體溫降溫速度快,降低汗水排出。

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類似的學者專家也對應提出相同看法 William Roberts美國明尼蘇達大學運動和家庭醫學學系的羅柏斯博士說:「人體一般來說會代謝碳水化合物,創造運動時所需要的能量。」「但當你運動量很大,又沒有足夠的碳水化合物滿足身體所需時,身體系統將會轉向代謝蛋白質。」醫學博士William Roberts是家庭醫學和社區衛生系的教授。他的醫學興趣是運動醫學,他擁有運動醫學的亞專業證書。他的研究領域是冰球和馬拉松相關的疾病和傷病。

William Roberts, MD, is a professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. William Roberts, MD, is a professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. His medical interests are in sports medicine and he has a sub-specialty certificate in sports medicine. His research is in ice hockey and marathon related illness and injury

《跑步醫師的健康跑步指南》作者馬哈藍(Lewis Maharam)博士說,採取低醣、高蛋白飲食的人,或是運動量極大的人,流汗特別容易有刺鼻味。 氨是副產品之一。通常你的肝臟會將氨轉化為尿素,尿素是一種良性的有機化合物,你的腎臟會以尿液的形式消除。但如果你缺乏碳水化合物並轉向蛋白質以獲取大部分能量,那麼你的肝臟可能無法處理你身體產生的所有氨。在那些情況下,你的汗水成為你的身體噴射系統中所有額外氨水的載體。

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“Your body normally metabolizes carbohydrates to create the fuel it requires for exercise,” says Dr. William Roberts, a professor of sports and family medicine at the University of Minnesota. “But if you’re exercising hard and don’t have enough carbs to meet your body’s needs, your system will switch over to protein metabolism.

ammonia is one of the byproducts, Roberts explains. Normally your liver would convert that ammonia into urea, a benign organic compound that your kidneys would dispel of in the form of urine. But if you’re starved of carbs and turning to protein for most of your energy, your liver may not be able to handle all the ammonia your body produces. In those instances, your sweat becomes the vehicle through which your body jettisons all of the extra ammonia in your system.


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Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, MD, MPH on November 27, 2017 —


According to the Cleveland Clinic, 99 percent of sweat is water. The other 1 percent is made up of other substances, including ammonia. Your sweat is released through two types of sweat glands, called eccrine and apocrine glands. Apocrine glands tend to be more common in areas with a lot of hair follicles, including your groin.

While sweat from both types of glands is odorless, sweat from apocrine glands is more likely to smell when it comes into contact with bacteria on your skin. In addition to all those apocrine glands, your groin contains lots of bacteria, making it a perfect environment for odors, including those that smell like ammonia.

Sweating and bacteria are both crucial parts of your overall health, but you can limit the smell they create by:

  • thoroughly cleaning your vulva with warm water, paying close attending to folds in your labia

  • wearing 100 percent cotton underwear, which makes it easier for sweat to evaporate off your body(But U.CR+ advsie cotton just weaking only can't dry . user have to take functional dry yarn (pp/ poly ) and breathing compression sportswear .




  • 用溫水徹底清潔流汗部位及私處

  • 穿著100%純棉內衣(U.CR+建議使用機能快乾料,棉會吸濕但不會快乾),讓汗水更容易從身體蒸發掉

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